Obtaining an Apostille Certification
If you intend to use your documents in another country, you have to make sure they are “authenticated” or “legalized”. Some countries have agreed to abide to a unique regulation (the Hague Convention) that facilitates the reciprocal recognition of official documents. If the country where the document will be used is a party to the Hague Convention, your documents will need to have an Apostille Certification that we can obtain for you.
On the right, you may find a list of countries that are signatories to the Hague Convention. If you click on the country of your choice, you will see a brief description of the different steps we need to take in order to obtain your Apostille Certification.
Country List
Below is a list of countries that are signatories to the Hague Convention which accept the Apostille cetification. Any country not on this list would require a consular certification. Please note that for your documents that will be used within the United States, the letterhead of Link Translations and our certified and notarized translations are the only thing you would need. Apostille certifications are only necessary for translations that are to be used outside the United States of America.
- Albania
- American Samoa
- Andorra
- Argentina
- Armenia
- Aruba
- Azerbaijan
- Belarus
- Belgium
- Bermuda
- Bosnia-Herzegovina
- Botswana
- Bulgaria
- China
- Colombia
- Cook Islands
- Croatia
- Cyprus
- Denmark
- Djibouti
- Dominica
- El Salvador
- Estonia
- Fiji
- France
- French Polynesia
- Georgia
- Gibraltar
- Greece
- Grenada
- Guernsey
- Honduras
- Hungary
- India
- Isle of Man
- Israel
- Japan
- Kazakhstan
- Lesotho
- Liechtenstein
- Lithuania
- Macedonia
- Malawi
- Malta
- Mauritius
- Mexico
- Moldova
- Mozambique
- Namibia
- Netherlands
- New Caledonia
- New Zealand
- Niue
- Panama
- Poland
- Portugal
- Republic of Korea
- Romania
- Russian Federation
- Samoa
- Serbia
- Seychelles
- Slovakia
- Solomon Islands
- South Africa
- Spain
- Sweden
- Switzerland
- Tonga
- Turkey
- Tuvalu
- U.S. Virgin Islands
- Venezuela
- Wallis and Futuna