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German Translation: Challenge Accepted

German Translation: Challenge Accepted

I studied German translation. And with some authority, I can assert that German is a beautiful language. When I first started learning it, I won’t lie, I was hating bits and pieces of it. Akkusativ, dativ, genitiv, trannbare verben, the articles… It was driving me…

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7 Famous Translators in History

7 Famous Translators in History

Famous Translators in History I was reading the MotaWord blog a couple of days ago and I realized they have a famous translators category on their blog. Good job guys! I also wanted to praise some of the most famous translators in history, so here we…

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What is Interpretation -

What is Interpretation -

What is interpretation… I was doing a little keyword research for this blog post and I noticed that one of the most searched keyword phrases about interpretation is “what is interpretation” or “interpretation definition”. Knowing this took me to the moment when I mentioned someone…

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Going Global with a Language Service Provider

Going Global with a Language Service Provider

Today more and more businesses are going global. We are all aware how fruitful it sounds but going global might give you a huge headache and even jeopardize your business if you are not careful with each and every step you take. Here are a…

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Court Interpretation – What is the Difference?

Court Interpretation – What is the Difference?

Court Interpretation – What is it? Besides being an expert on certified and notarized translations, Link Translations also excels in court interpretation for legal proceedings within the US. We provide interpreters to those, whose native language is not English and to those, who are in…

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What languages should I translate my website into?

What languages should I translate my website into?

What languages should I translate my website into? As a translation agency the question, “What languages should I translate my website into?” all the time. And the answer of course is “it depends.” If you are a U.S. based company that has recently started operations in…

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Website Owners: Website Translation For Mobile Holds Value

Website Owners: Website Translation For Mobile Holds Value

Why Website Translation Today savvy website owners often search for cost-effective ways to increase the number of their online visitors and certainly conversions of those visitors into clients. Enhancing daily internet traffic provides a recognized e-commerce strategy for promoting goods and services more effectively to…

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Interpreting Independence Day

Interpreting Independence Day

  Every year on 4th of July, America celebrates its independence. On the surface, the day commonly known as the Fourth of July is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. The true relevance of this momentous holiday…

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Localization – FAQs

Localization – FAQs

Getting your web-site or marketing material localized for use in another country can be a daunting task. The process is not simple as there are cultural considerations that need to be respected, marketing messages to get across and the pressure of making sure that your…

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Happy Holidays and a Little Gift from Link Translations

Happy Holidays and a Little Gift from Link Translations

As a way of saying thank you to our customers we are glad to offer a 5% discount on all services from December 11, 2014 until December 31, 2014. We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to our families, customers. colleagues, and translators for…

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