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Happy International Translation Day

Happy International Translation Day

International Translation Day??? Bet you didn’t even know there was such a thing. In a world that celebrates “Name Your Car Day” (October 2nd), “World Nutella Day” (February 5th), “Proof Reading Day” (March 8th – in fact all translators should celebrate this too) among many…

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The Trans-Pacific Partnership’s Effects on Your Business

The Trans-Pacific Partnership’s Effects on Your Business

The Trans-Pacific Partnership promises to be a major advantage for American companies expanding into foreign markets. According to the Office of the United States Trade Representative, TPP opens up wider markets for U.S.-manufactured goods and services. This agreement will offer strong and enforceable labor standards…

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Transcribe and Translate YouTube Videos

Transcribe and Translate YouTube Videos

  Online video is preferred over news, sports and daytime programming according to a recent report from the Interactive Advertising Bureau. The internet is buzzing with information, news stories, trending topics and personalities and the medium of choice for online video viewing is YouTube.  Google…

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New Location, Same Great Translation

New Location, Same Great Translation

Bigger team, new office. With the demand on our services growing, we see ourselves needing to start afresh in a new space double the size of what we currently occupy. This also means that we will be changing locations. For those of you who do…

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What is Transcreation?

What is Transcreation?

Transcreation In a global economy, word-for-word translations of an ad campaign are often insufficient. Lacking the particular nuances of the target location, they may fail to convey the full meaning and purpose of the message. Worse, the messages they send could stray far from any…

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Knock, Knock – Don’t try it: Observations of a French Translator in New York

Knock, Knock – Don’t try it: Observations of a French Translator in New York

Content writing for the Web can be fun and rewarding as a career or as a side job, and many writers pride themselves on their ability to turn a phrase. For the most part, being able to tell a joke or implement an idiom keeps…

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Thanksgiving Translation for Other Cultures

Thanksgiving Translation for Other Cultures

Ever since 1863, Americans have officially celebrated Thanksgiving. Since 1941, it has fallen on the fourth Thursday in November. There are many claims on the origin of this holiday in the New World, and they range from Baffin Island in 1576 to Spanish Florida in…

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Back-translation – What is it and Why Use It

Back-translation – What is it and Why Use It

What Is Back-Translation Back-translation is the process of verifying a translation by translating it back to the original language through a different translator. This process can reveal errors in meaning or nuance that result from local idiom or the selection of an incorrect synonym. Back-translation…

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Being a German Translator

Being a German Translator

Being a German Translator German, the business language of Europe, remains at the forefront of languages to know. Germany reigns as the economic powerhouse of the western world, and with that kind of buying power, it’s no wonder that Germany has trillions invested in the…

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Being a Spanish Translator

Being a Spanish Translator

Spanish is one of the most widely spoken languages on the planet, which means the demand for Spanish-based communication is rapidly rising. The Hispanic community is a powerful entity across major parts of the world –  especially the United States (see. Spanish language in the…

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