Blog Let us share together - page 4

Healthcare Translation – Translating the Healthcare needs of America

Healthcare Translation – Translating the Healthcare needs of America

Healthcare Translation Often times at Link Translations we are focused on companies with international business, websites that need localization and projects dealing with audiences around the world. However there is a growing need for translators within our own borders as more and more healthcare providers…

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Lost-in-translation: Why translating your marketing materials is vital to your business.

Lost-in-translation: Why translating your marketing materials is vital to your business.

We will be talking about translating your marketing materials this week. And by translating your marketing materials we mean any published content that will be representing your company or brand. You’ve probably seen some of the pictures of mistranslated signs we’ve posted on our Facebook…

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Escort Interpretation

Escort Interpretation

Three things you should know about Escort Interpretation. Often times at Link Translations we talk about website translation services, professional document translation and telephone interpretation offerings.  All of those services are important and can be done by our wonderful staff of translators remotely.  However we…

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Legal translations and how important they can be in a legal process

Legal translations and how important they can be in a legal process

A couple weeks ago we talked about the Apostille certification that is needed on some documents if you plan to travel with them internationally.  Many of those materials are considered legal documents and thus will need to be translated by a professional service and certified…

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International Travel and Apostille Certification

International Travel and Apostille Certification

Which documents do you need to have professionally translated and which ones can you just wing it? When getting ready to travel, everyone has their own checklist of things which need to be taken care of prior to departure.  Bags are packed, tickets are purchased,…

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Expand Your Target Market Through Translation

Expand Your Target Market Through Translation

Target Market Expansion – Why? While the great discussion over using English as the sole language of these United States rages on, the more pragmatic amongst us concentrate on the target market expansion aspect of this fact: over 37 million people in the United States…

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April 2013 Newsletter + Partner Program

April 2013 Newsletter + Partner Program

Let us tell you a fact very few people know about. The global translation market is a $33.5 billion a year strong and growing industry. As globalization and world trade grows, more people travel and study abroad, companies sell in other countries and deal with foreign laws and regulations. A myriad of websites, marketing ideas, goods and services count on expert translation to reach ever more people at a lower cost than any brick and mortar business can. The translation business drives this.

We are delighted to launch our Partner Program, which provides individuals, corporations, community organizations, advertising firms, accountants, legal service professionals – basically anyone with an audience that could benefit from receiving high-quality linguistic services to get their share of this huge yet mostly untapped market, by working with an industry leader such as Link Translations.

See our program for yourself by clicking here!

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Italian Translator

Italian Translator

At Link Translations, we provide interpreters and translators in most languages to a broad portfolio of clients. We have served the needs of clients in a wide range of industries, including US courts, law firms, financial services companies, healthcare facilities and a large number of…

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Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment – August 2012 Newsletter of Link Translations

Simultaneous Interpretation Equipment – August 2012 Newsletter of Link Translations

Hassle Free Equipment Rental Simultaneous interpretation requires the use of specialized equipment so that the same message in a variety of languages can be heard and understood by all parties with ease. Link Translations offers a full range of simultaneous interpretation equipment rental nationwide for…

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Legal Interpretation – July 2012 Newsletter of Link Translations

Legal Interpretation – July 2012 Newsletter of Link Translations

Legal Interpretation Good interpreters serving in a deposition or court hearing should have it all. They should be able to translate every single word uttered. They should also remain calm and impartial at all times regardless of the nature of the case. An exceptional knowledge…

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